Wednesday 9 December 2015

Reflective post

Day 1:

on the first day we started recording our film in W15 this was where we introduced the app and story these were the shots that would later be edited with after effects to create the app, in the meantime we had to pretend to see this app, we would also show the emotions of the girl in the shot along with her facial expressions without any dialogue. these all together consist of shots 1,2,3 and 4

Day 2:

Again in W15 these shots (shots 5 and 6) will show the app and its features and the girls anger along with her throwing down the phone on the table, the reason it took a day to film is because we weren't happy with allot of shots and had to retake a few amount of times, we also wanted the phone screen and the girl touching it to be as accurate as possible.

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