Monday 27 June 2016

documentary research Primary/secondary

This question i asked because i wanted to find out what people preferred when it comes to documentaries

This is to get an understanding of whether or not documentaries are gennerally popular to people nowadays.

This is to evaluate which kinds of documentaires people like and who presents them.

This is to figure out the contraversy of the documentaires people like, this could be a good sign on whether or not they like something tense or relaxed.

This is to see the age ranges of documentary watchers and how many people of that age range like by concluding all the results

This is to test to see whether my idea of a documenatry would be a good new thing to do to attract people.

This is to see if people are willing to try something new regardless of theiir desired genre.

this is to test to see how inept people are to what draws them into documentaries.

secondary research

econdary research is figures i can help conclude the success of my documentary

there are many people that suffer from stress at uni or planning to go ot uni, my documentary could be useful for the 225,000+ students going to uni, i found these figures on:

UK laws on filming 
When It come to filming in public areas in the UK you must think and sort out these four things:

Local authority-  You need to get permission a from the person or people this could include the councils land or location you are wanting to film on. 

Police-You need to talk to this local authority especially if you are filming on a high way or anywhere that will effect peoples day to day lives.

Others- If one of your actors is being filmed in a public store or restraint or any general public places. You will not only need permission for the location but to permission to show the name or logo of the place. You do not need to ask public people just passing buy in the location you are filming if you are just featuring there fact

Defamation-This provides the right for people to complain about the words or language you have used in your media piece that is offensive or has offended them.

Libel-This is a written document on the complaint the person has made about the defamatory.

In our document we have not chosen a too over sensitive topic. We must make sure we do not include any offensive comments and statements that will upset and offend people.  

The ofcom broadcasting code is a government set of rules and regulations that must be followed in the media,. It is there in the interest of people and keeping them safe and not effecting and upsetting the public.The ofcom broadcasting also work in licensing, research, codes and policies.

When it comes to the ofcom broadcast code there are there are ten main sections .section one is the protection of under 18s. As our target audience is 17-19 year old we still do have to watch out for this section. Our documentary does not break any of the rules as non of our documentary includes anything that a person under the age of 18 wouldn't be able to watch. Section two is harm and and offence but again we have made sure we have chose a topic to do our documentary on that odes not harm or offend anyone. They are the only two sections that we could slightly break. But due to the topic of our documentary and they way in which it is being made I feel very strongly that we will not break any of the ofcom broadcasting code.  

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