Monday 27 June 2016

news essay

News ordering is the way the stories in the news are ordered to shown. The order of the news is based on 4 things, topic, order, number, length.
 The news has something called the running order which is the order the news stories will run in. The story that is run first is done on the new values. These are how much attention on the other media platforms and shows the audience how many people will be interested in watching that story.  Each story will have different criteria. The main criteria is the more shocking news is the more general public will want to watch that new story.
The news is live so if anything goes wrong then the presenters have to be quick and deal with any problems they face on set. The news can also have slow news day were there is no new interesting new so they have to dig out new that people will want to watch. The final story at the end is called the and finally it is called this because it new normally end on a more positive mood. The new values are guild lines used by media outlets that determent how much prominence to give a story.

Part 1

Look East-Evening News: 29/06/2016

The imapct of brexit on the royal norfolk show were used and letters from world war 2 are found and a motorcycle exhibition with a renowned infamy 

in chronological order of display:
-farming community vs brexit
- immigration vs brexit
- justice to murder victims
- reconstruction of a building
- eu UNI funding
- ww2 letters
- motorcyclle show

i think the list is laid out with the grim boring and important type stories first, then watering down into happier more warm tales

Part 2
 the news readers were susie fowler watt she was the lead of the news report and the only reporter on tonight, a good reading speed, pronunciation and grammar are very important and needed within the media/news industry

Part 3

news ordering is the use of putting stories in the coreect orderr in order to gain the most interest from the viewer

prospects are the list of stories features in a news programme

a scoop is a story most likely to be shown first due to it being unreported at that time

the other stories appear due to relevance and importance to the general public

the need to improvise and act and think on the news is esential in case breaking news comes in or there is a mishap within the time on screen

the term slow news day essentially means there isnt alot on to talk about so the news is filled in with anything they can find

a debrief is the short summery at the end with a lighter news report and people talking in higher tones of voice to encourage niceness its function is to sum up all thats been spoken of

News values are general guidelines or criteria used by media outlets, such as newspapers or broadcast media, to determine how much prominence to give to a story

Part 4
Bias through selection and omission: The editor expresses bias by choosing a specific news story and with in this story's some detainees can be ignored. Like boos coming from a new clip.

Bias through placement: this is where a story is placed and the influences to what a person thinks about it's importance. Like the main story in the news is a lot more important then the rest of the stories.

Bias by headline: The headline are must read parts of the news that are bold and large but headlines can be misleading and deceptive to getting you to read the story.

Bias by photos, captions and camera angles: photos can make a person look silly, sad, anger with out even being in that mood. The news can twist thing for public point of making it more in-treating and the story's better.

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